The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 431

Psalm 67 – All Will Praise God
A psalm. A song.
May God be gracious to us and bless us; may he make his face shine upon us Selah so that your way may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, God; let all the peoples praise you. Let the nations rejoice and shout for joy, for you judge the peoples with fairness and lead the nations on earth. Selah Let the peoples praise you, God, let all the peoples praise you. The earth has produced its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him.
Christ/Messiah is Our Only Hope

It is not impossible to find a child of God whose face shines with the peace and blessing of God, but this is rare! The way of the Lord can be forgotten on the earth these days, but the ‘way’ is not forgotten by God. Were it not for the Truth that God’s mercies are RENEWED every morning, the Love of God would be invisible and fade away like the morning fog.

Remembering the hymn, ‘Make me a blessing’! It seems a bit out of reach these days since the spread of God’s love is to be an ongoing mission of the child of God. The last few words of this hymn (8) state clearly that we are to make ourselves a blessing to someone today. This is true, we should—the problem! We should not only reveal the blessing of God to people today, but you guessed it EVERYDAY!

some churches have much too much worldliness and no godly harvest in our churches today, and in others, there is much too much academic planting and very little godly harvest. God is not willing, that anyone should perish, we know this yet we the church of today fail to have the same conscious will of God.
When is the last time you personally shared with anyone, that Jesus died and rose again for them and that heir sins are already covered with His Blood?
God these days, He has not changed, is calling His children to come out of the churches of worldliness and out of the churches of spiritual academic floundering. His calling has not changed. God’s call is that He is not willing that any should perish. The only Godly way is to evangelize the towns and communities where we live or where God sends us is for His children to stop playing with the flame of God's love and to be a blessing to the people. 
God called us to reveal to the world that He is a blessing. That His face is shining on the earth not for just a day or hour, but always. It is impossible when the children of God are ‘ho-hum’ or complacent one day and ‘joyful’ and excited the next—God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has given us His Spirit which earnestly contents with the world to help us walk—trusting God. This is what the world around us desires from God’s children, as the world has had enough of what it already has.


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