The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 427

The final moment in the human life of Christ
(CJB) John 19:28- After this, knowing that all things had accomplished their purpose, Yeshua, in order to fulfill the words of the Tanakh, said, “I’m thirsty.” 29 A jar full of cheap sour wine was there; so they soaked a sponge in the wine, coated it with oregano leaves and held it up to his mouth. 30 After Yeshua had taken the wine, he said, “It is accomplished!” And, letting his head droop, he delivered up his spirit.
Christ/Messiah is Our Only Hope

In John chapter sixteen we see several statements by the Lord regarding His departure from earth and the sorrow that would come upon His disciples. We do not know the sorrow of heart, of these men and women as from where we are in history today. We understand that Jesus died and rose again for the sin of the world, we also understand that Jesus is the Messiah (The anointed One) His disciples were at an impasse. All who followed Jesus at this time understood that Jesus was the Messiah, but they did not understand that He was also their sin-bearer.

This is no mere event in the history of mankind on earth, all of the history of mankind will melt away, but the work and sacrifice of Jesus the God/man will never fade or melt away. I am reminded of an event in history that will not be found in the history books even today. During WW2, two enemy soldiers interrupted a prayer meeting somewhere in France. They were not there to stop the meeting but came to learn about the God named Jesus.

The leader of the prayer meeting, a man in his late fifties explained the history of Jesus to these men, their hearts burned to know more, and then the leader began explaining the gospel death and resurrection of Jesus.  And before explaining the resurrected Christ, one of the men became agitated and yelled out in anger—“Oh No, no, they have killed my Messiah” But the prayer leader said, wait! The story of Jesus is not over, as Jesus promised—in three days He would rise from the dead, He is ALIVE, He is ALIVE forevermore. The soldier's shouts of anger turned to wonderful cries of joy, “He’s alive, He’s alive and I know He lives.”

Human history fades away, but those who come to faith in Jesus know that their sins are covered in the Blood of the Messiah, Colossians 2:14 He erased the certificate of debt, with its obligations, that was against us and opposed to us, and has taken it away by nailing it to the cross. The gospel of God will never fade since it will never be touched by human hands.


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