The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 426

The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 426

The Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah Chapter 3:19-24 (CJB)
19 Remember my utter misery, the wormwood, and the gall. 20 They are always on my mind; this is why I am so depressed. 21 But in my mind, I keep returning to something, something that gives me hope —22 that the grace of Adonai is not exhausted, that his compassion has not ended. 23 [On the contrary,] they are new every morning! How great your faithfulness! 24 Adonai is all I  have,” I say; “therefore I will put my hope in him.
Christ/Messiah is Our Only Hope

Jeremiah was God’s prophet who suffered from depression, (depression is a sin since it is a lack of trust in God) he was afflicted by discipline from the rod of God’s wrath. Jeremiah was caused by God to walk in the darkness of the world around him rather than in the Light of God. Jeremiah felt rejected, he felt the pressure of God’s Hand against him, time and again throughout the day and night.

Jeremiah was caused by God to experience—first hand, the conditional changes in the nation he lived in. Jeremiah wept over what he saw. Now we have gone over this time and again. Throughout my lifetime and yours, we have seen enormous prosperity, freedom, and real pursuit of liberty and happiness. Jeremiah saw this very way of life in his day, but of a sudden moment in time ‘all changed’.

He saw that the majority of his countrymen had turned from a godly platform to an ungodly way of life. Idolatry, immorality, sexual misconduct, drunkenness, adultery, divorce, and government corruption. You may have a larger list, but this way of life in any nation DESTROYS THE NATION. No one in Israel heard Jeremiah’s lament and the people lost; not only their nation but also the freedom of their precious liberty and happiness.
Until we; The United States of America SEE and repent from our LIKE-MINDED ungodly way of life, we too; like Israel will suffer at the Hand of God. But do not despair! Rejoice! When the LORD sees a true change of heart in this nation—He will respond with grace. Lamentations 3:21 (CSB) Yet I call this to mind, and therefore I have hope: 22 Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!


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