The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 425

The Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah
א Aleph 1 How she sits alone, the city once crowded with people! She who was great among the nations has become like a widow. The princess among the provinces has been put to forced labor.

ב Beth She weeps bitterly during the night, with tears on her cheeks. There is no one to offer her comfort, not one of all her lovers. All her friends have betrayed her; they have become her enemies.

Christ/Messiah is Our Only Hope
One of the main subjects in the book of Lamentations is the children of the nation. Abortion and starvation are the main topics, the details I will leave out as mankind, not just the Israelites are cruel when they turn their backside to God and the first revealing of this cruelness is found in the raising of the nation’s children. First, the children are starved – did you know that in most states in the U.S. Food programs are in place to feed school children breakfast, lunch, and the evening meal because the parents are working and have no time or resources to feed their young.

Also, did you know that presently (or do you care) that between 500k to 1 million babies have been aborted since 1973 (Row vs Wade) roughly 50 million abortions in less than 50 years. What should be the godly impact on nations who starves their children and aborts her babies? Statically and humanly, the nation, naturally cannot survive against its enemies. Biblically and without the God who created us we will not survive His chastening because His Love and Mercy will either correct us or destroy us.

At this very hour, our nation, along with most of the world, we are suffering from a man-made virus. (I do not have to tell you as even the most ignorant know the effects of this ‘pandemic’) While we suffer from this world-wide illness we all see the world-wide efforts of man to control it. Question: How is that working out for us? As well as any human government can, which is little to no effect.

What good are churches today? No one can go, even when opening ‘soon’ anyone over sixty-five will be told to stay away, social distancing? “what a hoot!” I know of a church that has placed ‘white flags’ on its property to show the number of people who have lost their life to CoVid-19 here in Connecticut since March 2020. A mere 2,257, while well over 4,000 babies never made it past the opening of the mother’s womb

While the love of God is seeking to correct our wayward way of secular humanism, He remains merciful by allowing us physical revival from the inward fears that we all deserve to be aborted, whatever our age is.

God is looking for another revival to take place in our nation and around the world. The message of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the gift of faith that comes to everyone who believes in the Christ/Messiah. The gospel is the ONLY cure for the world’s human SIN and while we may cure CoVid-19, it will not be a permanent cure, because it is the sin of mankind that caused it. I hope we get the picture, don’t you?


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