The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 424

Hebrews 12:22-24 (CEB)
22 But you have drawn near to Mount Zion, the city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem, to countless angels in a festival gathering, 23 to the assembly of God’s firstborn children who are registered in heaven, to God the judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous who have been made perfect, 24 to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks better than Abel’s blood.

Christ/Messiah is Our Only Hope

Through the Blood of Jesus, who is The Messiah and by the Grace given each of us; we the children of God we have been given access to the city of the Living God—yet most of the children of God TODAY act no different than the world around their neighborhood. Why is that? We wrestle daily, but our battle is not with flesh and blood, our neighbors or relatives (even though these folks are involved) the real battle takes place in the battlefield of the war between God and Satan, see Ephesians 6:10-18.

The battle began before the fall of Adam and Eve, (Genesis 3). And it is the spilled blood of Abel, (Genesis 4) that still communicates to us today that this battle still rages. And through the new and better covenant of the Blood of Messiah (Isaiah 53 cp John 19), the battle is raging. The battle will end, it will end, it will be crushed at the end of the 1,000-year reign of Messiah on the earth (Revelation 20:7-10).

Now here is the rub! We children of God are not slow to bring up the subject of these sufferings of battle within the context of what is written in the Holy Bible. Still, when testimonies from the early and past history of the church and things more current; we tend to acknowledge these but because these events are not in the written word of God we call them extra-biblical and just stories of experience and entertainment.

The battle between God and Satan is still raging, the battlefield is the earth. The people of the earth are created by God, We are to be in His image and likeness; Satan has beguiled (charmed and deceived humans) to conform to his image and likeness. Thus, when we listen to God’s message of forgiveness through Jesus and come to Jesus through faith, Satan will seek to avenge this victory of God by persecution. This is the same persecution you find in the passages of the Bible like that of Hebrews 11.

So, let us be more aware—that men and women like Hutson Taylor, Andrew Murray, Core-ten Boon. These and thousands more after the New Testament became Canonized fought in this invisible war, They were and ARE victorious. So what about you and I today who thrive on ‘mega’ churches’ while we ‘starve’ ourselves of experiencing an everyday walk in Christ that glorifies Him. Smaller groups of God’s children are coming—maybe not a civil government notion of man during the pandemic.  Could be God is forcing our will, to conform to His Will.


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