The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 323

Psalm 4 New King James Version (NKJV)

The Safety of the Faithful

To the Chief Musician. With stringed instruments. A Psalm of David.
1 Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved me in my distress; Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer. How long, O you sons of men, Will you turn my glory to shame? How long will you love worthlessness And seek falsehood? Selah But know that the Lord has set apart for Himself him who is godly; The Lord will hear when I call to Him. Be angry, and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah Offer the sacrifices of righteousness and put your trust in the Lord. There are many who say, “Who will show us any good?” Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us. You have put gladness in my heart, More than in the season that their grain and wine increased. I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Meditation in The Wisdom and knowledge of God

Righteousness is an attribute that we ‘alone’ do not have, our vindication comes from the LORD. When we know and agree with our LORD when we call upon Him, He answers and the stress of living is relieved and we are set free. When we seek His Mercy, He hears our prayer. Do not put your trust in authorities, men of rank, they will shame your position in the Righteousness of God, because they love what is vain and chase the lie rather than the truth. It is the LORD who sets His children apart from the world, and it is the LORD who hears our prayer when we call out to Him.

Understand (emphatically) that the LORD sets apart the godly person for Himself, He alone will hear when you call out to Him. Thus, you can be blunt, ‘down to earth’ even angry, but do not sin. Think about this, meditate while you lie in bed and CALM down. God expects us to use the spiritual tools He has given us. Therefore we are always to offer sacrifices of righteousness from our lips by putting our trust in the LORD.

You may be asked, “who can show us some good?” It is the countenance of the LORD that people see in us. You remember the events at the well in Samaria, do you not? Jesus, after a few moments with the woman, she replied, “I know that Messiah is coming. When He comes, He will show us all things. Jesus replied, “I who speak to you am He”
The Samaritan woman’s testimony leads the townspeople to this conclusion. “Now we believe, not only because of what you said, for we have heard for ourselves and know INDEED that this man is the Christ, the Savior of the world (John 4).

It is the testimony of one whom Messiah has lifted, it is his or her light of Christ in them, it is the joy that has filled the heart of a sinner like the Samaritan woman or man that brings truth to a heavy heart. The authorities of this world cannot stand against the truth for very long, faith, hope and the love of God will destroy the enemy, thus for those of us who are in Christ we will sleep in peace and live securely, for ADONAI/LORD will make our way under His protective wing.


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