The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 271

The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 271

Personal Thoughts and Retake

I see the need to retrace my steps in the Epistle of James. Over the years I have tried a half-dozen or so times to meditate and write regarding this epistle. If the epistle of James were a target, I have missed it in all of my attempts! So, with the help of excerpts from the Holy Spirit and the writings of Dr. Thomas Constable, I will try again. This retake of the epistle is mainly focused on the devotional 270 which is the start of James chapter 2, but certainly affects the other devotionals pertaining to this epistle. Dr. Constable indicates that the epistle is almost certainly intended for public reading in the churches. Thus James's letter is basically a speech or sermon, cast in written form, for the Jewish dispersion and the several churches which emerged from that scattering.

Christ/Messiah is Our Only Hope
An excerpt from Dr. Constable’s journal – "The design of the Epistle is on the one hand to encourage those to whom it is addressed to bear their trials patiently, and on the other hand to warn them against certain errors of doctrine and practice." 
"The purpose of this potent letter is to exhort the early believers to Christian maturity and holiness of life. This letter deals more with the practice of the Christian faith than with its precepts. James told his readers how to achieve spiritual maturity through a confident stand, compassionate service, careful speech, contrite submission, and concerned sharing. He dealt with every area of a Christian's life: what he is, what he does, what he says, what he feels, and what he has." 
"The chief aim of the Epistle is to strengthen the faith and loyalty of the Jewish Christians in the face of persecution from rich and overbearing Jews who were defrauding and oppressing them." 
Now, with this, we can begin chapter 2 of James. I see the entire epistle as an expression of personal faith in God as He guides and directs our daily walk with Him resulting in works that Glorify God. God has provided everything we need; Justification through the Person of Jesus Christ, in His death and resurrection. Sanctification through the Holy Spirit who guides us into all Truth, and Glorification through the Plan of God, who first raised up our Savior from the dead, He is the First Fruit of our salvation, living proof that for those who believe in Jesus, we to will be with Him – forever.
Partiality is a sin of public status, it is found in every workplaces and family, It ought not to be found in the church of Jesus Christ. Yet, it is found in our churches! What does this mean? Basically, it means that as children of God, we willingly carry our worldly conduct into our places of worship. This visible effort to segregate the rich from the poor was common in the synagogue and it is common in many churches today. This public display of sin in the church is called Judging.
The exposed status of the poor is humiliation, and the spiritual reward for the poor is one of increased humbleness, God is glorified and the poor are blessed. God has chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith, therefore when the poor of this world are humiliated their faith is gifted with additional riches and their kingdom of heaven’s experience is magnified in the love of God.
On the other hand the rich, because of the status afforded to them by leaders (not all leaders) have suppressed the rich man’s faith to the point of being poor in faith and their kingdom of heaven on earth experiences are subjected to ruin.


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