The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 135

Vs 11 – And He was casting out a demon, and ‘it’ was mute. So it was, when the demon had gone out, that the mute spoke; and the multitudes marveled, but some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons”… Vs 53-54 – And as He said these things to them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to assail Him vehemently, and to cross-examine Him about many things, lying in wait for Him to catch Him in something He might say, that they might accuse Him.

SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: Jesus, the Christ of God/Messiah
Now, there is a volume of scripture in chapter 11, as you well know! In this remaining section, we have at least two main events that are changing the direction of the LORD’s ministry. One, a conversation with Jesus and the crowd who seeks now to discredit His Father’s miracles, and Two, a conversation with the scribes and Pharisees who are seeking an opportunity to discredit and destroy the Messiah. This is a ‘turning point’ which leads to His final days and Crucifixion.

The crowd accuses Jesus of Beelzebub, this is a name originally given to Satan meaning prince of the demons, but as time marched on, Beelzebub became a ‘pun’ meaning ‘lord of the flies’. I believe this is especially cruel of the crowd following Jesus. Note, 2 Kings 1:2 where Ahaziah fell through the lattice in his upper room in Samaria. He was injured and inquired of Baal-Zebub (lord of the flies) to see if he would survive the fall. God intervened and had Elijah to meet the king of Samaria messengers, to tell the king that he would not survive. The crowd following Jesus is basically saying that Jesus is not the King and He would not survive His claiming to be, in other words, they are finding reasons to reject Him.

The invitation to dinner by the Pharisee was not an impromptu decision, it was a planned event seeking to find a way to destroy the Messiah. By the way, I believe that many at that dinner knew He was the Messiah, but they did not want to give up the luxury that their religion of the day was providing for them. So, on this other side of the fence, the scribes and Pharisees are lying in wait, seeking to catch Jesus at something He might say, that they might accuse Him. Note, that as Jesus spoke to the scribes and Pharisees, they began to assail Him vehemently, it is possible that you do not see this word so let me do it again – VEHEMENTLY.


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