The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 113

SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:  Luke 9:1-62 – The Eternal Plan of God
I would like to go over this chapter in greater detail in the days ahead, it is a very busy year for the LORD as He seeks to call out the lost sheep of Israel. To reconcile the Jewish nation back to God’s original plan as the chosen Nation, whom they are. Even today, this very moment and hour, Israel is God’s personally chosen nation. (Many gentiles saints and unbelievers, and secular Jews disagree). Yet, one day soon, the nation will recall the Words of Jesus in Luke 13:34-35 and Matthew 23:39, blessed is He who comes in the Name of the LORD!

SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: Jesus, the Christ of God/Messiah
AD 29 is a busy year for the LORD and His disciples. Chapter 9 of Luke’s gospel highlights many, but not all of the LORD’s events (see John 21:31). The other gospels of Matthew and Mark keep pace with the events until late fall of that year, then become silent for roughly six months. Then in AD 30, in early spring Matthew and Mark begin with the doctrine of divorce. Matthew 19:1-12 and Mark 10:1-12.
Luke carries chronologically the events of Jesus and the disciples through the spring of AD 30. The thought of this silence of Matthew and Mark reminds me that both Matthew and Mark are living out each event. Mark is a young lad, and following Jesus with his parents and possibly Barnabus a close friend of the family. Matthew a disciple, is participating in the events as Jesus leads. It is easier for an interviewer to glean the facts from others than it is for one who lives out an event, to do so chronologically.
Luke the physician, is also a historian who searches out the events. He is interested in getting the facts documented historically and in order for his friend Theophilus. Luke most likely spoke with Matthew, Mark and even John, regarding all that Jesus did during His Ministry on earth. Well, with all of this (conjecture) in mind, while it may be logical, it is but not at all be Spiritual. Being led by the Spirit of God is far greater than anything else we may seek to do.


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