The Devotional – Search the Scriptures - 94

SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:  John 21:25 – The Eternal Plan of God – Jesus
And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if these were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself the books that would be written. AMEN!

SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: Jesus, the Christ of God/Messiah

By now that is if you are reading the scripture verses at the top, you should have these memorized. I have memorized scripture in the past, but I find that if I meditate in the context of what is being said, my recall of Truth is a lot better. and this recall is especially more profitable! For when I am in the prisons or rescue missions locally, it is the Spirit of God and the Word of God that I rely on to do the work of the ministry. I would hope that we take our life ‘In Christ’ joyfully and seriously, whatever God has called you to do, do it with joy and perseverance.

In chapter 7 of Luke, we find a career minded soldier who has some authority. If you have ever been in the military, you remember the disciplines that were drilled into you daily. Now discipline and drills are not wrong, unfortunately, we have all but washed discipline out of our life and no doubt the thought of such a thing as a discipline can make us angry! After all, to discipline anyone today is considered wrong, and if a child; this would send most of us to jail! More could be said about this, but for now, I will move on, but think on this subject; most of the people in jail today are UNDISCIPLINED children of the recent past.

Jesus went with those folks who came to Him about the illness of the Centurion’s servant. Reminding me that when we have a need, (spiritually, physically or mentally) Jesus comes to our rescue! You may be saying in your heart! I have these needs but, yet I do not see in my mind or heart the presence of Jesus and I still have these same old problems. The ‘key’ to this passage of scripture (Luke 7:1-10) is ‘great faith’. To sum this up, faith is an action word, not a passive word. All of us have passive faith, otherwise, we would never sit in a chair without duly inspecting it for the ability to hold us stable in it.

Faith goes beyond “I hope so!” faith is “I know so!”. We are not worthy of Jesus, we are SINNERS of the past, the present, and the future, praise God; Jesus is SINLESS of the past, the present and the future. Therefore we (like the Centurion) should not think ourselves worthy to come to Jesus, but we KNOW (faith/assurance) that if He says the WORD, our petitions are filled. Let Jesus marvel over your faith in Him, for there is faith in the world around us, but NOT THE GREAT FAITH that the LORD Jesus/Messiah is searching for.


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