The Devotional – Search the Scriptures - 90

SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:  John 20:25 – The Eternal Plan of God – Jesus
And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.

SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: Jesus, the Christ of God/Messiah
Jesus goes on His first ministry tour of Galilee, He explains to His four disciples that this is what He was called to do. At Capernaum; and before he leaves, He healed many sick and cast out many demons. Also, as He often did, He went out to a secluded spot in order to be alone and pray. see Mark 1:12-19 and then He travels to Galilee.

10. Luke 5:12-16 – Healing of illnesses are miracles, we read of these specific events in the life of Jesus and our focus is normally on the miracle. Peoples lives are affected, first by a disease, then by the healing. The man is not identified, he did what Jesus asked him to do. Note too that the words in the context charge the man to remain silent. We want to believe that the man told everyone he met, but what about the people around him, even the disciples saw the event.

11. As His ministry began, everyone in Galilee took notice, He preached and healed many, but the subject of His messages was not to focus on His power over disease and demons. His focus and subjects were on the kingdom, not the kingdom of this world which is in control (then and to this present time) by Satan, see Matthew 4:7-10. Large crowds began to follow Jesus. All of this was done to prepare the people of Galilee for His teaching on the Mount of Olives, this event was on the large Plateau that could contain a large number of people.

12. Before we get to this sermon, Jesus calls His disciples (all twelve). Matthew, called Levi was working on the day his life changed forever. What were you doing when the LORD said to you, “Follow Me!” Even though the career chosen by Levi was not considered good, but evil; Jesus saw Levi’s heart and soul, while many tax collector’s, even of those today, were considered crooked. Levi must have been one whom people trusted. (that is my personal take on Levi). The apostles are listed in Luke 6:12-16. After Jesus spent the night praying. Many men had begun to follow Him, and He chose the following. Simon Peter and his brother Andrew; James and his brother John; Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon who is called the Zealot, Judas the son of James, and Judas who became a traitor.


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