SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:  Proverbs 9:13-18 Folly and the Wisdom of God

SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: The Way of Divine Wisdom, or the way of human folly.
Observation that provides understanding of God’s Word, does not come by human intellect. God has provided the gospel as a gift of His grace, through one’s unmerited faith in the Living Word. The Living and Eternal Word of God is JESUS CHRIST/MESSIAH. John 1:1-5 and 14-18, see also Ephesians 2:1-10. If this is true AND IT IS, why then should we seek to understand the Wisdom of God through our fallen way of folly. Unfortunately, many see Jesus through human intellect which is not a revelation of spiritual truth. That is; “No one can come to Jesus unless the Spirit of God guides them. John 6:45 and John 16:13.

Some then would say that if I were to rely on faith in the outworking of the Spirit of God in me, then how would I know the spirit of error and the Spirit o Truth. Well my answer is and has always been; “By faith” as in Hebrews 11, since the dawn of history it is faith that produces the truth and righteousness in Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and all of us. Faith in God, working in the lives of people produces substance of things hope for and evidence of things not seen with human intellect.

Human intellect is the folly of Proverbs 9:13-18; folly is clamorous (boisterous), folly is simple and knows nothing of the Wisdom of God. Folly lurks in the doorway of every thought, and like the tower of Babel, folly seeks the high places (religion) to call out to the simple (godless minded), to those naïve to the Truth. Being godless in the mind is the wrong doing of one’s soul; Proverbs 8:36. Those who lack spiritual understanding fall into the stolen waters of religion and the bread of idolatry. These leaders of religion and idolatry fail to know that their efforts are among the dead ALREADY and those who follow their ‘pernicious or destructive’ ways, see 2 Peter 2:2 and Jude 1:16-19 are already in the bondage of hell and destruction.

This does not mean that leadership in the gospel of God are exempt from the diligent study of God’s Word. Thee only One who does not have to study is the ONE who is Himself the Living Word; see Luke 2:49; but when we study, we must be under the control of the One who guides us into the Divine Wisdom of God. John 16:13; However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.


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