COMMENT: As most can tell, I am not a writer with the wisdom one needs to be good at it, but I love to write! Writing enables me to do a couple of things; (1) to meditate on the Word of God and (2) share the things that bring joy, peace and a challenge to myself and those who read. Here is a reflection on the opening commentary of Ephesians in one of the Bibles I have. “Ephesians is addressed to believers, you and me (if you are washed in the Blood of the Lamb; John 1:29). We are rich beyond measure in Jesus Christ, yet we live like beggars, only because we choose to live, ignorant of the wealth we have in Christ.”

SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: Prayer (Confidence)

God has given every child of His an “allowance” the Holy Spirit who enables each of us to walk in the Kingdom of Truth, rather than the domain of foolishness, Romans 5:5. At this present time in our life in Christ, we know in part. But one day soon the “part” will be done away with (We teach, preach, and share our knowledge of God, in part or in the allowance which God has given to each of us). 1 Corinthians 13:9 – For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 

1 Corinthians 13:10 – But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.  Soon, whether the LORD tarries or not, we will all stand before the Messiah at His judgment seat – 2 Corinthians 5:9-11, and we will give an account to Him regarding the use of our allowance in the Holy Spirit (that which was done in part. Now some may think that I am talking about good works, well (IN PART) in a sense you are correct. However, not works generated by human effort, these works will be burned up at the judgment seat. The works of the body that receive a reward are those resulting from the outworking of our new body; 2 Corinthians 5:17. We are equipped with a Spiritual Bank account. A Spiritual “foretaste” of when we will be made perfect, in Christ.

Tomorrow we will reconcile our Spiritual bank account, something some of us have never done. The wonderfully amazing bottom line in the process of this reconciliation! Our bank account is never depleted, our riches in Christ whether used or abused does not fail. Not because of who we are (His children), but because God is: the same yesterday, today and forever, He know our frame, that we are but dust and He also knows; Psa 94:11 – The LORD knows the thoughts of man, That they are futile. The NET (New English version) – The LORD knows that peoples' thoughts are morally bankrupt. Our futility comes from living in the flesh, while seeking to please God, when all God requires is that we walk in the Spirit just as Jesus walked.


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