COMMENT: As you well know the devotional is late; I am on the local volunteer fire department and we had a tornado touch down in town around 7:30am. This did not take the LORD God who Created the heavens and the earth by surprise Psa 148:8 – “Fire and hail, snow and clouds; Stormy wind, fulfilling His word;” The Truth is, is that when you understand some of the Wisdom of God, the spirit of man can rejoice knowing that God who (because of the curse) created all things in this kingdom, also created the Kingdom to come without the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I look forward to that City whose builder and Maker is God, For His is the Kingdom and the Power FOREVER – Matthew 6:13, we will be delivered from evil. There were no casualties, in this we Praise the LORD.

SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: Prayer (Thanksgiving)

Last week we did touch on the subject of thanksgiving to God, but today we will look a bit deeper. It is my personal conviction that when we pray with a soul of thanksgiving we can rejoice, even when we are requesting from God an uncertain outcome.

Let us come before His Throne with thanksgiving, let us shout joyfully to Him with Psalms (Psalm 95:2), and that is only a drop in the bucket. If you are going to the Throne of God in prayer, it means that you have to Go through the gates of His sanctuary first, please remember to go with shouts of thanksgiving! Psalm 100:4, for His mercies endure forever and His Truth has not, nor will it ever fail; see verse 5.

The LORD knows the very end of things before there ever was a beginning (Isa 45:10), there is not an event that the LORD God is not fully aware of and it would be foolish to consider any other course of action to resolve a circumstance apart from God. I know it would be hard to go to Him with thankfulness when things are grievous but seek to remember that God is the ONLY One to answer our call for help. His mercies endure forever, even in and at your moment of NEED.

Philippians 4:6-7 – Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all UNDERSTANDING will guard your heart and mind through Christ/Messiah Jesus. Then rejoice on the things that will comfort you as the LORD comforts, Philippians 4:8-13.


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