
Showing posts from October, 2018


A Devotional – SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (39)  COMMENT: As most can tell, I am not a writer with the wisdom one needs to be good at it, but I love to write! Writing enables me to do a couple of things; (1) to meditate on the Word of God and (2) share the things that bring joy, peace and a challenge to myself and those who read. Here is a reflection on the opening commentary of Ephesians in one of the Bibles I have. “Ephesians is addressed to believers, you and me (if you are washed in the Blood of the Lamb; John 1:29). We are rich beyond measure in Jesus Christ, yet we live like beggars, only because we choose to live, ignorant of the wealth we have in Christ.” SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: Prayer (Confidence) God has given every child of His an “allowance” the Holy Spirit who enables each of us to walk in the Kingdom of Truth, rather than the domain of foolishness, Romans 5:5. At this present time in our life in Christ, we know in part. But one day soon the “part” will be done aw


A Devotional – SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (38)  COMMENT: Today is another late day, but let’s get started! Prayer is not meditation, just as meditation is not prayer but the two do go hand in hand. A similar concept of the Holy Bible is grace and faith or the peace of God and the peace with God. We misunderstand grace when we mix works with faith and likewise, if we have not experienced peace with God will not understand the peace of God. This is not ‘double talk’ many of God’s children suffer in our spiritual walk because we lack the understanding of God’s provision for His children. Meditate on these Spiritually rich scriptures: Philippians 4:1-10; Ephesians 2:1-10 and Ephesians and Romans 5:1-5. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: Prayer (Confidence) I am thinking that we have come full circle over the past few weeks regarding meditation and prayer. We have responsibility as children of God, just as we have or have had responsibility with our parents. The main priority of this responsib


A Devotional – SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (37) COMMENT: As you well know the devotional is late; I am on the local volunteer fire department and we had a tornado touch down in town around 7:30am. This did not take the LORD God who Created the heavens and the earth by surprise Psa 148:8 – “Fire and hail, snow and clouds; Stormy wind, fulfilling His word;” The Truth is, is that when you understand some of the Wisdom of God, the spirit of man can rejoice knowing that God who (because of the curse) created all things in this kingdom, also created the Kingdom to come without the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I look forward to that City whose builder and Maker is God, For His is the Kingdom and the Power FOREVER – Matthew 6:13, we will be delivered from evil. There were no casualties, in this we Praise the LORD. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: Prayer (Thanksgiving) Last week we did touch on the subject of thanksgiving to God, but today we will look a bit deeper. It is my personal co