A Devotional – SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (38) 

COMMENT: Today is another late day, but let’s get started! Prayer is not meditation, just as meditation is not prayer but the two do go hand in hand. A similar concept of the Holy Bible is grace and faith or the peace of God and the peace with God. We misunderstand grace when we mix works with faith and likewise, if we have not experienced peace with God will not understand the peace of God. This is not ‘double talk’ many of God’s children suffer in our spiritual walk because we lack the understanding of God’s provision for His children. Meditate on these Spiritually rich scriptures: Philippians 4:1-10; Ephesians 2:1-10 and Ephesians and Romans 5:1-5.
SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: Prayer (Confidence)

I am thinking that we have come full circle over the past few weeks regarding meditation and prayer. We have responsibility as children of God, just as we have or have had responsibility with our parents. The main priority of this responsibility is ‘OBEDIENCE’ second is ‘COMMUNICATION’ and lastly ‘MEDITATION’. Think about it! We accomplish all three of these actions with our parents (if they are alive) daily and if God is our Father, does He not require the same results from us.

1Ti 2:8 – I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; The apostle writing as he is inspired by the Holy Spirit is instructing you and me to pray (communicate) to our Father the specific needs of our household, community and nation in order that we may live peaceful lives in the midst of our present ‘evil’ generation. God is NOT willing that anyone should perish. Our families, neighbors and country is more evil today that it was yesterday and it is because the children of God ignore their FATHER’S presence in our current events!

Let’s quite being deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man child of God sows, that shall he also reap! Matthew 25:1-40, or the shorter version – Galatians 6:7.


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