A Devotional – SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (17) 

COMMENT: Looking a little deeper! The flood of God on the earth during the life of Noah was the catastrophic event like no other. The earth suffers daily with localized disasters that are seemingly as terrible. Hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons and other events like fire storms and such. Yet! We rebound. Being able to hear a survivor’s response through the media today can and is emotionally upsetting. In the flood of God on the earth, there were NO unprepared survivor’s, ALL perished EXCEPT those preserved by God on the Ark. No one, including all the animal life on board was emotionally upset, no one had an emotional meltdown, nor did they fear for their life. Think about it! If panic happened at any time, this would have been enough to destroy the Ark and all on board.

SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: (Genesis) Preparing the Ark
Today a Gopherwood tree cannot be found or identified, it is not that no such tree ever existed, but like the Ark which is still missing in the mountains of Ararat, God has chosen to keep some parts of this amazing event is a cloud of secrecy. Solomon says in Proverbs 25:2, It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, and the glory of kings to search it out.

Having some confusion over the building of the Ark, while visiting the  Ark Encounter in Kentucky, I was concerned about the Ark’s living quarters. How were the living conditions on the Ark, were all the animals, birds and reptiles just allowed to wonder around on the three decks of the ship without any supervision? Surely, thoughts like these are on most hearts when encountering such a huge undertaking as the Ark of God!

God does provide: Note John 14:1-6, God (Jesus) is at this time preparing heaven for the “saints” arrival, after completing this task, He will come again and take us HOME. We do not know what it will be like, but we know it will be wonderful. Only 120 years to build and prepare the ark! Over 2,000 years (on going) to prepare heaven. There is a word in Genesis 6 that carries the same detail of the passage in John. Genesis 6:14. “Make yourself an ark of gopher wood; make “ROOMS” in the ark, and cover (protect) it (the ark) inside and outside with pitch (tar).

The word “rooms” in verse 14 literally means “compartments and nests”. Every animal species, including birds and the human beings on board had a perfect place to live and survive during the 150 days on board. By the way; a Jewish calendar is 300 days for one year, so the ark was afloat for one-half a year. Read Genesis 6:13-7:24. God commanded Noah to supply the food for his family and all the animals, it is a worthy trip to Kentucky to see how this task could have been done.


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