A Devotional – SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (17) 

COMMENT: Looking a little deeper! The cause of the flood that covered the entire surface of the earth, resulted; apart from the families of Adam and Seth. The families of unrighteous Cain also was multiplying. Cain went out (away) from the LORD; See Genesis 4:16-26. I want to note that the man Lamech in Cain’s family, is not the Lamech who begot Noah of Methuselah’s family who is of the Adam family. If you visit the Ark Encounter in Kentucky you will see that Adah, one of Lamech’s wives’ interviews Noah about the building of the Ark, quite clever, I believe. The wives of the believing clan of Adam, except for Eve are not known, or named.

Even though we are descendants of the Noah clan, the linage from Adam survives before God as Righteous. Thus, I think it is important to retain the truth found in Genesis 3:20, when we believe in the gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ we are in the genealogy of Jesus Christ found in Luke 3:23-38. This is a worthy read if you are saved by the grace of God, at least read verses 36-38.

Now for a brief look at Cain’s family; these men were skilled craftsmen and skilled musicians. They were farmers, they also had similar names as those of Adams family. They also knew the families of Adam and were relatives. 

There is little need to know by human reasoning who God identifies in Genesis 6 as giants (nephilim). Some interpreters claim the word is associated with fallen angels, but the Hebrew word simply means “fallen one”. Anyone who has never been saved by the gospel of God is a fallen one. 

Genesis 6:1-7: (I believe) simply identifies that the fallen families of the earth were, (as God through the writing of Moses) reveals that the wickedness on the earth (at this time) was TOTAL depravity through/by SIN. The intents of the heart of unbelieving people was only to do EVIL. These folks could not even think of doing GOOD. Remember, that the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil is and still is, was the root cause of the fall of all of mankind.

Do not forget to praise the LORD for Genesis 6:8 But Noah found grace in the EYES OF THE LORD! There is an awesome consideration here. Noah, his wife, Noah’s son, Shem, Ham and Japheth and their three wives are the last of the Adam clan. Unrighteousness is self-willed (I am my own god) given this power mankind will seek to destroy the Righteous, those whose will belongs of God (seeking do what God says).


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