A Devotional – SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (15) 

COMMENT: So, God Created the heavens and the earth, would God also cause the entire earth to flood, too? Would God within two thousand years of creating all living things on earth, destroy His creatures with a flood (except for eight righteous souls and a few million animals)? The volume of water to cover the highest mountain on the earth is quite a sum, but one thing or two we ought to consider! There was a catastrophical change, the earth’s configuration of land was moved under the pressure of water, yet the waters prevailed 22.5 feet (15 cubits) higher than the highest mountains. Atmospheric conditions also prevailed, before the flood; fruit and plants did not ferment. After the flood these did! Read Genesis 5 through 9, meditate and see for yourself.


Adam lived; one hundred and thirty years, then he begot a son (Seth) in his likeness, Genesis 5:3 (do not be confused as we do not know how long Adam lived in his eternal state of being sinless). The total of life in his own sinful likeness is nine hundred and thirty years as he lived eight hundred years after begetting Seth. See the context of Genesis 5:1-5.

These bits of information about the family of Adam is important in that all the men in this chapter, knew one another just as we know fathers and uncles in our lifetime which is roughly ten percent of their lifetime. As a fact; Methuselah spoke with Adam! One of the exciting studies that I did some years ago was to study the genealogy of Adam’s family. All the men knew each other very well, and you to can glean this information from chapter 5 by taking the time to study.

Another interesting thought is this, Methuselah had a son named Lamech, who begot Noah. By the time Noah had children he was five hundred years old, he had three sons in his five hundredth year! Could they have been triplets? See Genesis 5:32. While the chapter is loaded with life and death. The events with Enoch and God leave nothing to ponder, (Enoch walked with God and God chose to take him home) so do not conjure up something that is not there to satisfy your human reasoning. If God wanted us to know anymore about the sons of Noah in this chapter He would have.

As we progress through the flood period, we will learn more about the sons of Noah! Finally, please do not take my words and thoughts about this time in the history of Creation and the Flood. Study and meditate, let God direct you in Truth by the Holy Spirit. If you are “Born from above” “Saved”, or “Believe in Jesus” then you have the Helper (Comforter). He will guide you as He is the Spirit of Truth; see John 14:15-18.


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