
Showing posts from September, 2018


A Devotional – SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (17)  COMMENT: Looking a little deeper! The flood of God on the earth during the life of Noah was the catastrophic event like no other. The earth suffers daily with localized disasters that are seemingly as terrible. Hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons and other events like fire storms and such. Yet! We rebound. Being able to hear a survivor’s response through the media today can and is emotionally upsetting. In the flood of God on the earth, there were NO unprepared survivor’s, ALL perished EXCEPT those preserved by God on the Ark. No one, including all the animal life on board was emotionally upset, no one had an emotional meltdown, nor did they fear for their life. Think about it! If panic happened at any time, this would have been enough to destroy the Ark and all on board. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: (Genesis) Preparing the Ark Today a Gopherwood tree cannot be found or identified, it is not that no such tree ever existed, but like the


A Devotional – SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (17)  COMMENT: Looking a little deeper! The cause of the flood that covered the entire surface of the earth, resulted; apart from the families of Adam and Seth. The families of unrighteous Cain also was multiplying. Cain went out (away) from the LORD; See Genesis 4:16-26. I want to note that the man Lamech in Cain’s family, is not the Lamech who begot Noah of Methuselah’s family who is of the Adam family. If you visit the Ark Encounter in Kentucky you will see that Adah, one of Lamech’s wives’ interviews Noah about the building of the Ark, quite clever, I believe. The wives of the believing clan of Adam, except for Eve are not known, or named. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: (Genesis) Pre-Flood Even though we are descendants of the Noah clan, the linage from Adam survives before God as Righteous. Thus, I think it is important to retain the truth found in Genesis 3:20, when we believe in the gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ we are in the genealo


A Devotional – SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (15)  COMMENT: So, God Created the heavens and the earth, would God also cause the entire earth to flood, too? Would God within two thousand years of creating all living things on earth, destroy His creatures with a flood (except for eight righteous souls and a few million animals)? The volume of water to cover the highest mountain on the earth is quite a sum, but one thing or two we ought to consider! There was a catastrophical change, the earth’s configuration of land was moved under the pressure of water, yet the waters prevailed 22.5 feet (15 cubits) higher than the highest mountains. Atmospheric conditions also prevailed, before the flood; fruit and plants did not ferment. After the flood these did! Read Genesis 5 through 9, meditate and see for yourself. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: (Genesis) Pre-Flood Adam lived; one hundred and thirty years, then he begot a son (Seth) in his likeness, Genesis 5:3 (do not be confused as we do not k