COMMENT: I believe it is time to turn a page, my hope is to go back to a daily devotional as it will certainly help me. If we are not praying and meditating on the Word of God, then our day starts out very wrong and we miss the numerous blessing that God has for us. While we will never lose our position of being a child of God through the Blood of the cross, we often lose the daily blessings that God has planned due to our personal lack of “Searching the Scriptures” So let’s begin AGAIN! And if God permits (and He will) we will see Him pour out the wondrous things which we long for; Jeremiah 33:3.

SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES: Did you know that the LORD God stores up everything He needs to control the world we live in? For example; God never runs out of anything, He never is concerned of being out of SNOW or RAIN so as a challenge or personal meditation, so that we do not run out of His Blessing; please read Job 38.

Search this section of God’s Holy Word, meditate on the attributes of God and you will see that, our God is responsible for all the foundations of the earth. We did not need to be there; “In the Beginning” since God readily reveals to us each day that the Cornerstone which He has laid stands on His Command since “days began”.

There is no such thing as “Global warming” God controls the distribution of SNOW and HAIL, did you read Job 38:22, did you meditate or pray for the wisdom revealed to Job in this chapter? Or, are you like David when He sinned against God because He became complacent in His relationship with God? Sin is sin, is it not? While we may not be physical adulterers, we often become spiritual adulterers and like the king of Israel fall from the grace of God. If this is true, then we must be like king David and repent.

In Psalm 51, David is king of Israel, but because he became complacent to his leadership responsibility, he also became disobedient to God. So, we will pick this up with his confession and restoration from his deeds found in 2 Samuel 11. If you are complacent in your daily devotions with God, begin now; and return to the treasury of God’s blessings, you like me, will be glad you did. Beginning September 5th. I will start a daily devotional, of five days a week, Monday through Friday, which will be shorter but loaded with scripture for us to read and meditate on.


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