The Devotional - Philippians 3:1-11 - Knowing God, Part 1

The Devotional

Philippians 3:1-11 – You would do well to read the first nine verses while I type out the tenth and eleventh… that I may KNOW Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if by any means, I may attain (arrive at in time) to the resurrection from the dead.
COMMENT:  These eleven verses map out the new course of travel for every child of God. We live in the world (in the flesh it is the only world we know; [place of existence] or we currently have). After the fall of mankind (Genesis 3:1-24) we live in the world that is cursed; that is separated from God. We have fallen from God’s perfect image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-28) to the image and likeness of Adam as recorded in (Genesis 5:1-3), reread verse 3 so that you fully understand that our image and like with God is MARRED with the image and like of the man of sin Adam.
God desires that you (personally) should know Him even though we are all marred in the sinful image of Adam. In our condition of knowing good and evil we are prevented from a personal knowledge of God; thus, we suppress any real understanding in Him through our unrighteous deeds of good and evil (sin) see chapter 1 of Romans, especially verses 18-32. In this state of unrighteousness, we have no choice but to reject our godly image and retain our image of Adam.
God, because He loves us (you and me) removes this image of Adam (sin and death) through personal faith in God’s Son, Jesus! See John 1:29; 3:11-18, Jesus, according to the scriptures of God’s Holy Word, died for OUR sins and rose again. Therefore, by the sacrifice of Jesus and in believing God we are justified freely by the grace of God to get to KNOW God and return to His Image. all those who remain in Adam, die. (Romans 5:6-21). Therefore, the apostle Paul provides those of us who “Believe the Gospel” a new path, to give up the old pathway. Now we like Paul can cast off the image of Adam and live the life of the ‘resurrected Christ’. please reread Philippians 3:1-11.


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