The Devotional - Colossians 3:1-17 - Knowing God - Part 2

The Devotional

Colossians 3:1-17 – Take a moment or two and read this section of scripture. If you are saved by the grace of God, you have a new ‘character’ about you. You are, as a child of God to be holy, expressing the love of God by being tender, kind, humble, meek and longsuffering. But if you are abiding in carnality; you are none of the above.
COMMENT:  The current trend in churches today is to worship God by celebrating His Name and preaching a sermon of works to gain favor from God. This sounds reasonable to the human flesh, but it does nothing for God. God is Spirit and those who worship Him MUST worship in spirit and truth. John 4:24.
Often, we quote that verse out of context, what I mean is that we place the verse wherever we wish and make it applicable to the moment. Notice that earlier in John four, Jesus explains to the woman (at the well) that she worships what she does not KNOW. So many of us today worship God, but we do not know Him.
Verses one through eleven of Colossians Three reveal believers who willingly worship without KNOWING God, as they desire to live in carnality. (Carnality is knowledge of the flesh and not knowledge of the Spirit).  Sons of disobedience does not refer to the unbelieving, the context and the statement refers to men and women who are saved, but who live as though they were unsaved.
Begin today as commanded in Romans 13:11-14 as the time is short, our LORD is returning SOON, cast off the works of darkness and walk in the Light. Put on the LORD Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh.


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