The Devotional - Meditation - The Word of God

The Devotional

Psalm 37:3-4 Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and feed on the LORD and His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Please read and meditate on the entire Psalm 37:1-36.

COMMENT: Many young people during May and June are graduating from high school, trade school, colleges and universities. Nearly ninety percent of these young people will never use their newly acquired talents to full potential in the remaining years of their life. They will assume “bad luck” and “missed opportunity” the main reasons for this failure. Others will chalk it up to fate, personal failure and other false observations connected to life; the reason...
We do not know how to trust in the LORD because we have not heard of or ever called upon Him or sought Him. Many have never seen the inside {pages) of a Holy Bible. (I was past the age of twenty) Therefore, we do not understand that we can “feed” our soul on the Living Word and get to personally know the life-giving relationship with God that He offers; only available in the Holy Bible. We do not understand that the delightful Character of the LORD provides opportunity for us to use our human training, talents and good character for His Glory. A character that is FIRST pleasing to God and secondly, pleasing to mankind. (Matthew 22:34-40)
This Psalm of David is one for the young and old person to memorize, not in a rote way but in a devotion to the LORD way. Young people who are searching for true joy and happiness in life will find it when they pursue the Righteousness of God revealed in this Psalm. A righteousness not of our own human strength or achievement. But, the True Righteousness, only found in Christ Jesus (Messiah) who is the Lamb of God (John 1:29-34).
By trusting God and making the decision to put your personal faith in the comforting shadow of God’s Wings, you will find that God will abundantly satisfy you and those in your household; see Acts 16:25-34. God will allow you to drink from the river of His appointed pleasure. For He will direct your path (Psalm 119:105). While the rivers of this SIN cursed world will be around you, God who will never fail you will be the ONLY source to the fountain of His pleasure and the Light, the Christ to always satisfies.


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