A Weekly Devotional - Memorize - The Word of God

The Devotional

Psalm 19:1-4 - The heavens declare the GLORY of GOD; and the firmament (expanse) shows HIS handiword. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line (sound) has gone out through ALL the erth, and their words t the end of the world.

COMMENT: Over the years I have challenged people to memorize Psalm 19 in it's entireity so over the next few weeks we will look at why this Psalm is so important to me. All of scripture is worthy of memorization since it IS the written WORD of the LIVING GOD.

I have met many folks who have memorized volumes of scripture, yet I must be critical over this for a moment. Rote memorization is not what I seek to share with you this morning. God is not interested in our ability to rotely or religiously apply HIS Truth to our haman intellect for daily circumstances. In fact; if you have a situation or circumstance develop (and we all do) and you have memorized a verse or section of scripture related; you will not be able to recall the verses, or have victory, if what you have is in your human intellect and not your Soul.

Why? Whatever is in rote memory is not of faith in our SOUL, The Spirit of God is able to communicate with our soul, so over the next few weeks we will look at this, by seeking to transfer what we have memorized from the mind to the soul via the Spirit of God who indwells us by faith in Christ. Thus, by meditation and fellowship with God who has equipped us with His Righteousness in Christ and who has begun a Good Work in us will bring bring us to Glory by His way.

Philppians 1:3-6 -  I thank my God upon every rememberance of you, always in every prayer of mine making reauest for you all with joy, for your felloship in the gospel from the first day until now. Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. May these words of the apostle Paul, under the inspiritation of the Holy Spirit guide you today to meditate on Christ, through His Word.


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