The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 600


The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 600

Today’s Kick Start! (NKJV) Psalm 119:160The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.


A Reflection of Israel’s Past  A Theocracy is a nation governed by God. Israel is the only nation on the planet that God desired to govern. Yet, and because Israel desired to be like other nations, that it desired to have a human king, God removed Himself from governing and Saul became the first king in Israel and the nation went the way of the rest of the world. So from king Saul, to Hoshea, Israel’s <300 years of an earthly kingdom is a  picture of national unrest, due to the nations rejection to follow God.

JESUS CHRIST: He IS the same Yesterday, He IS the same Today, He Forever, IS God!

Hosea 1 When the Lord began to speak by Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea: “Go, take yourself a wife of harlotry and children of harlotry, For the land has committed great harlotry By departing from the Lord.”

Have you ever sought to put yourself in the shoes of one of God’s prophets or some of the men whom God called for specific purposes? Men like Hosea or Abraham. God does not think the way a man thinks, He never has to repent or change His mind. Numbers 23:19God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?


Go Abraham, offer your son as a sacrifice to me, or; Go Hosea, marry a harlot (whore) and have children with her whoredom. At least one of Hosea’s children belonged to him. His firstborn was no doubt his child because God identifies Jezreel the child as Hosea’s own begotten child, while the other two are not identified as directly his, but probably of Gomers reckless and promiscuous lifestyle.


Jezreel, the name of a battlefield where Israel fought many of its wars with Assyria; Lo-ruhamah, a daughter, her name means ‘no mercy’  and finally another son whose name was; Lo-ammi, his name means ‘not my people’. While Hosea writes metaphorically and figuratively, his message is clear. Israel has rejected God because of idolatry, influenced by the Gentile nations around them.


If we were to look at our national identity today we would see the same idolatry that Hosea sees in his day. We have a nation of every religion and sect known to man. Freedom of choice whether it be in child bearing or disobedience to the One True God, our battlefield with God is Jezreel, and God has no mercy concerning our future and we are not His people since many in our nation are bold in satanic rituals.


The latter section of Hosea deals with God’s call for Israel to repent and the blessings of their future kingdom. REPENTENCE is the only cure for national iniquity. Did you get that? Pray for National Repentance for our nation.


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