The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 409

A Bible snippet—and more

You should be aware that the ransom paid to free you from the worthless way of life which your fathers passed on to you did not consist of anything perishable like silver or gold; on the contrary, it was the costly bloody sacrificial death of the Messiah, as of a lamb without defect or spot.

The Christ/Messiah – Is The LORD Call to Repentance

Taking the necessary time to meditate on the Apostle Peter’s call to be aware of the price that Jesus paid to free us from the curse and penalty of sin. And what the Apostle Paul has challenged the church at Epaphus to be aware of, and this being ‘unity’ in both epistles, we can understand that the training given by the Holy Spirit is not a ‘Moot Point’. What do I mean? Subjects in the Holy Bible are not debatable as some teachers are prone to lean to.

The Bible is the Word of God, God is not DEAD, therefore like God, His Word is alive! Are you kidding Jesse? NO! I’m serious, and if you are a child of God you know this is true by revelation of God the Holy Spirit who is in you. Just as He keeps you and me alive, He also keeps the Word of God alive which will never die. (Matt 5:18). Today there are over SIXTY translations of the Bible. It seems that anyone with any biblical knowledge of Common Greek or Hebrew has their interpretation of what God is saying to His Children. Most of these claim inerrancy, but not all are inspired.

I do not wish to go any deeper than this, the point I am wanting to make is ‘BE AWARE’, aware that was COSTLY to the sacrificial LAMB, who is the ransom of God, who paid the debt for all sin. Jesus paid the sin debt for ‘all the world’ (John 3:16) are you AWARE? And are you aware that after His death, He gave spiritual gifts to all men, that is to all who believe? To some, He gave to be missionaries (apostles), and to some; prophets, evangelist, and teachers to (PASTOR) His church—not your church. 

Not a church made with the hands of man, but a church that is AWARE and SPIRITUALLY alive in the only Truth—Jesus died for the sins of the world and He rose again from the dead—Jesus is the FIRST Fruit of ‘this Truth’ and we who believe are the fruitful result, BUT FIRST; YOU MUST BE BORN – AGAIN. (John 31-18).


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