The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 346

Colossians 1 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

Rescued and Transferred
13 He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son. 14 It is through his Son that we have redemption — that is, our sins have been forgiven. 15 He is the visible image of the invisible God. He is supreme over all creation, 16 because in connection with him were created all things — in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, lordships, rulers or authorities — they have all been created through him and for him. 17 He existed before all things, and he holds everything together. 18 Also, he is head of the Body, the Messianic Community — he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead so that he might hold first place in everything.

The Christ/Messiah – Meditation in The Wisdom and knowledge of God
As you know I have been reading the Complete Jewish Bible, I have found this version of the Holy Bible to be very interesting. I am not suggesting that switching to this version means anything to anyone other than to protect the TRUTH of our Trust (faith) in Jesus Christ. The Complete Jewish Bible is just another version among the many versions (some good, and some bad). Thus, it remains God the Holy Spirits’ responsibility to guide us into ‘ALL TRUTH’, in this I Praise God so I do not have to rely on human intellect. Acts 17:21(CJB) – (All the Athenians and the foreigners living there used to spend their spare time talking or hearing about the latest intellectual fads.)

To understand the rescue that God gave to us who have been delivered from the domain of darkness we have to see the dire need. In our state, there is a man who sought to commit suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. Today at this very hour, he is alive but dead. He is kept alive by modern medical procedures, but if you pull the plug on these so-called advances in medicine this individual dies. Likewise, our healthy human lives are dead to God, yet by the power of His Will, we are kept alive.

Being rescued from the domain of darkness is not modern medical or human science, it is, however, the mercy of God’s will for all humans to be rescued. From eternity it is God’s will to have us to be saved from this darkness of the present world and to be transferred to His Kingdom of Truth and Light. Trusting the message of God, which is; the Gospel or Good News from God to those who are rescued is accomplished by the Will of God the Holy Spirit, there are NO other means or ways by which man and woman are restored to the Kingdom of God, believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and you will be transferred AND rescued from the domain of darkness (a condition of being alive, but dead) BEING PLACED into the kingdom of God’s beloved Son (is a condition of life to eternal life).


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