The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 253

Christ’s Example to Be Followed

1 Peter – a Brief recap
This morning being Friday, I thought it best if I recapped the First Epistle of the apostle Peter. The more one studies the Holy Bible, the more God reveals; Did you know that! We could re-study the epistle and glean even more insight in this the faith, hope, and love; that as a child of God we stand. We would also gain more blessing than before. God’s Word is ‘inexhaustive’, that is while being complete, it is beyond finding out by any human standard or measurement. Only by the sanctification of God the Holy Spirit to obedience and ‘sprinkling’ (spreading of the gospel) of the blood Christ.

Jesus, the Christ, God’s Messiah
Friends, brothers, and sisters in Christ, whether it be AD 96 or AD 2019 we are living in the last days, thus it is vitally important to understand that this earth is not our ‘homeland’ we have an eternal inheritance and we partially experience this inheritance through the Holy Spirit. As the children of God, we abide in His ‘everlasting love’ take a few moments today and read Romans 8.

Our faith is being built on the ‘Solid Rock’ Jesus Christ/Messiah. He is the ‘Cap Stone’ or as the apostle, Peter says, the Cornerstone of our faith in God. Messiah is the Author and Finisher of Faith (Hebrews 12:2) As we allow God to sanctify us by or through ‘faith’ we are becoming more like Christ. This is difficult for the child of God to digest, but spiritually it is possible, As Christ was submissive to human authority, He has shown us the way to be submissive as well.

Submission by virtue leads to suffering, we do not like to suffer, especially we who live in the West. People of the U.S.A. do not understand what it means to suffer for anything. When it comes to suffering for Christ, we come up with all sorts of false ways to suffer. One of the big ones is the ‘devil made me suffer, or do it!’. A friend of mine, a fellow from Ohio used to say when someone made a false statement, “wrongo reindeer”. Most of our suffering comes from a misunderstanding or application of obedience to the Word of God.

We are not ‘armed’ for the battle of abiding in Christ. Mostly, our mind on any given day is on the fun and games lifestyle of the American way of life. Ephesians 6:10-20 is not observed by most of God’s children and most of us do not know what it means to put on the LORD Jesus Christ and make NO provision for the flesh (see Romans 13:14) and lastly on this thought our concept for Galatians 2:20 is, ‘well this is good for the apostle Paul, but not for me’. Well “Bah Humbug” to that. As J. Vernon McGee would say, it is ‘past time’ for you to get on the ‘Bible bus’ and start studying!

So, lastly; if we fall short of the high calling of Christ it is not that the devil singled us out as He did to Job, it is more likely that we have left a door open out Spiritual Temple which we are exhorted to keep holy. The devil will enter and we will walk about as his roaring lion to produce results that discredit the Name of Messiah to those around us, for shame I say, for shame. We all at various times have walked about with ‘shame of face’ and we need to stop. For to God be the Glory and the DOMINION forever and ever, Amen!


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