The Devotional – Search the Scriptures – 156

I trust that all children of God through faith and obedience to the gospel, remembered with bitter-sweet moments the sacrifice of God’s Son. His resurrection brings love, faith and hope to the forefront of our life, doesn’t it! The resurrection of The Son of God is the most important and most documented event in all of the history of mankind. Luke as a historian records, along with the other gospel writers very clear evidence of the resurrection of Jesus. On that Friday, which we call “Good Friday” Jesus was buried in a wealthy man’s tomb. Joseph of Arimathea and the Pharisee Nicodemus who are saved and disciples of Christ provide for the LORD’s burial. Matthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56 and John 19:38-42. The apostle John reveals that Nicodemus provided the linen and spices for the LORD’s body.

Jesus, the Christ of God/Messiah
If this were the end of the story, that is; if the Christ/Messiah were not Risen from the dead then FAITH, our faith in God would be a false hope. Jesus is the ONLY HOPE of forgiveness of sin and the only hope of eternal life with God when we physically pass from this life into eternity. 

Some doubt! Even the two disciples on the road to Emmaus were ‘downtrodden” at the realization that Jesus died. Luke 24:13-27. We need to notice a few truths from this event in history. Jesus revealed His Resurrected Life, not by His physical presence but by expounding the Old Testament Scriptures; verse 27 – And beginning with Moses and ALL of the prophets, HE the Risen LORD explained to these two disciples ALL of the scriptures concerning HIMSELF.

Do you not see that it is not necessary to see the physical evidence of the Risen Christ, these two men were walking with the Risen Jesus and talking with Him! It was not His Risen nature that proved the faith of the LORD’s resurrected life, it was the SCRIPTURES! So, it is for you and me too! “Luke 24:32 – And did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures too.”

When the TRUTH enters your soul, your soul will burn with JOY inexpressible. Your heart will be full of the Glory of God who will reveal to you that your new found faith is resting in Jesus Christ who is RISEN INDEED! Luke 24:34 – saying, “The LORD is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon (Peter).


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