The Devotional – A Special

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown [it] to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible [attributes] are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify [Him] as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man— (If you wish, read the remaining chapter).

It is as if someone removed their finger from a hole in the dam, but in reality, God has removed His protective Hand from the United States of America. In a series of three decisions in 1962/1963 the Supreme Court of our beloved nation elected to remove the Holy Bible and Prayer from our public-school system. Fifty-six years have passed.

Here is a truth, but something like a parable – What if a man met a woman in 1962/1963 and both fell in love at the age of twenty? Today they would be 76 and retired, but what if these two folks had, five children, (the average of that day) the children would be in their late forties.

No one in 1962 was fearful that children today would be aborted, right out of the womb! (One of the daughters of this family) murdered/aborted their child for the sake of “self-righteousness”. No one in 1962 would have gone to prison for killing a domestic animal, this self-righteous act is considered a hideous crime, (One of the sons of this family is serving time for this very reason!) Another son or daughter has decided to (reverse their human) identity. While another is struggling with (drugs), and the youngest committed (suicide) because one of his or her children was (murdered in a school shooting). Absurd: You Think? NO! Today this is the abnormality of life in the United States, and yet thought by the 'many' to be normal.

Taking the Holy Bible out of our schools has destroyed much. Schools are places of slaughter, a young person’s life expectancy in the public-school system today is that these children could be dead before they reach the age of adulthood. From Columbine to Sandy Hook and beyond, Children (human beings who are/were created in the Image and Likeness of God) are murdered. From the womb to the tomb, millions of children have lost their LIBERTY to a full life. They did not get the chance to meet the wife or husband whom God had prepared for them. Sadly, remember those newlyweds of 1962/63? What do they have to say – “Don’t worry, Be happy!” This is the signature, but a gut-wrenching reality of their entire adult life!

Thoughts about our public-school system. Today, teachers are eager to teach socialism, and lifestyles that warp young minds to believe that God does not exist, or that gender means nothing. Colloquiums designed to bend the young person’s mind to believe that this neutral position of life is normal and without accountability to morality. In other words, each person can be their own god. Fifty-six years without any acknowledgment of the existence of GOD has and continues to destroy our Nation’s inventory of young people… WHO WOULD BE LEADERS TODAY!

Fifty-six years ago, there were roughly 219,000 inmates in the United States. Today 2,200,000 people are incarcerated, that is 655 people out of 100,000. Today, inmates are receiving Bibles, the ones that should have been provided forty/fifty years ago are now getting Bibles. Don’t say in your mind – FINALLY! Finally? (and any inmate with a Bible will tell you) Finally is too late.


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