The Devotional - Summury - God is Awesome

The Devotional

Psalm 19:12-14: Who can understand (his) errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me. Then i shall be innocent great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart  be acceptable in Your sight. My strength and my Redeemer.

COMMENT: The Holy Spirit through the pen of king David, present for us a very vivid picture of truth regarding Creation and the Word of God. If you and I are serious about our relationship with our Creator, we will meditate and make personal application of the Words of this Psalm, daily.

A child of God cannot merely look at this Psalm and move on with his or her day without thinking about the Majesty and Splendor of God in Creation. The words from verse one to verse six; when one meditates on these are very humbling and truly; these words bless us with the Awesome power and presents of God, not only on that day of Creation, but are ongoing, even to this very moment in our day.

Looking further, we are additionally blest by verses seven through eleven. The laws, testimonies, statutes, commandments, the Fear of the LORD and His judgments. All provide the one who meditates and communes with God, a healthy soul. A soul that is restored by God's Wisdom. Instilling joy and purifying ones vision of the world around them.

Reading and meditation on the Words of this Psalm will align our soul with a proper 'Fear of the LORD', something most of us do not understand. We are not to be 'afraid' of God, to be afraid of Him is; not to know Him, but to have 'fear' is to know and understand that He is God who is True and Righteous. That His Word is True and Righteous too, and having His Righteousness in us is far better than what is offered to us in the fallen world around us.

We cannot understand our errors, our secret faults and our presumptuous sins, think about it! When is the last time you tried to understand any of these failures before God and man? God is the only ONE who can deliver you and me from our sinful view of keeping the law of God. Matthew 22:34-40.

When we seriously meditate and pray concerning our soul's condition before our God we will see that God has provided vivid answers and in these days, He also provided His Son, see Hebrews 1:1-4 and remember that without FAITH in God, it is impossible to please Him. Faith in God is the proper response to Him as it is the ONE need of man since the fall ad the dawn of History. Read Hebrews 11:1-40


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