
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Devotional - Creation- The Omnipotence of God

The Devotional Psalm 19:4b-6 - In them He has  set a tabernacle (Tent or canopy) for the sun. Which (the sun) is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices like a strong man to run a race. Its rising is from one end of the heaven, and its circuit to the other end; and there is nothing hidden from its heat. COMMENT: it is a critical error to forget that God created the heavens and the earth. Today most people are ignorant to God. Upbringing and education is off center; what I mean by this is, that it is common knowledge that society calls people 'left or right wing"; that being if you are a left wing person then you have little regard for God and just the opposite is true for the right wing who have a larger regard for God. When we fail to recognize that creation is of God, we will find something else to replace God. Many have made there self the god of their life. Or as we are seeing too, our pets (the dog, cat, pig, etc!) are rapidly taking over as gods.

A Weekly Devotional - Memorize - The Word of God

The Devotional Psalm 19:1-4 - The heavens declare the GLORY of GOD; and the firmament (expanse) shows HIS handiword. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line (sound) has gone out through ALL the erth, and their words t the end of the world. COMMENT: Over the years I have challenged people to memorize Psalm 19 in it's entireity so over the next few weeks we will look at why this Psalm is so important to me. All of scripture is worthy of memorization since it IS the written WORD of the LIVING GOD. I have met many folks who have memorized volumes of scripture, yet I must be critical over this for a moment. Rote memorization is not what I seek to share with you this morning. God is not interested in our ability to rotely or religiously apply HIS Truth to our haman intellect for daily circumstances. In fact; if you have a situation or circumstance develop (and we all do) and you

A weekly Devotional - Walking - The Will of God

The Devotional Psalm 32:1-5 - I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,” And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah David's words of hopeful, he has confident resolve that reconciliation will happen in his heart. He has gone beyond the limit of God's protective Will and he seeks forgiveness; Transgression is going beyond the limit of obedience to the Will of God. The result has placed a storm of discipline from God over David. His acknowledgement and contrite confession to the LORD removes the transgression and his iniquity and sins are forgiven. Commentary: As children of God by faith in Christ we should be aware that to have fellowship with our Father God we must walk in the newness of life (The Holy Spirit is a major fact of that newness; John 14:15-18). Sin cripples our relationship with the Father by grieving the Holy Spirit who indwells us. Lying as well as anger, as the apostle Paul reveals in Ephesians are the primary deeds of the flesh tha

A weekly Devotional - Peace - The Wisdom of God

A weekly Devotional -  Peace - The Wisdom of God Do you seek to monitor what your heart contemplates during the day? Yes, I know that you are busy… all of us are, even retired folks like myself; I am very busy being retired… not-a-pun intended! All along we have been looking at the “two” platforms wisdom in the world. One of these wisdoms has flourished from eternity and will continue throughout eternity, Proverbs 8:1-36. The other platform of wisdom had it's beginning (Genesis 3:1-7) and will have an end.(Revelation 20:11-15). Those who refuse to accept the Wisdom of God will perish like Satan; Proverbs 8:36. But what about those of us who know the Truth, but sometimes allow our mind to live in the bondage of double-mindedness? Playing on both sides is dangerous, and the first warning is the loss of "Peace with God. Comments and Challenges: The apostle Paul exhorts, in Galatians 6:1-5 that we ought to bear the burdens of our self and others. Burdens may not necessarily